Monthly Archives: October 2014

Selecting an Assisted Living Community

a-018-800x600Is it a bad thing when what you expected is not what you get? Is an irregularity always a problem? Is an imperfection always a negative?

My expensive and beautiful Indian silk scarf came with the attached disclaimer. “The weaving irregularities and shade variations are characteristics of homespun fabric which enhance the beauty and are in no way to be taken as fabric defects.”

What do you make of that? Think about it. Isn’t that the essence of life? To know beauty we have to have seen ugly. We need the bad times to accentuate and appreciate the good times. The hard times challenge us to work harder. And the good times make us want more of the same. Discontent can be a driving force for change, for improvement, for making life better. Irregularities and shade variations are in no way to be taken as defects….

When the time comes that you search for an assisted living community, I encourage you to keep this in mind. Look for an organization that encourages you to Live Your Life. Search for care with the finest ingredients. Gobs of respect. A sprinkle of hope. Large portions of love. A big dose of fun. The final recipe should be adapted to you. Which means there may be slight imperfections on occasion. Because that is how life goes. In fact, that just may be how life is lived to its fullest!

When you are looking for support, be sure you can define just what that support is. If you want to Live Your Life in spite of obstacles – find an organization that can help you reach your goals. If you want to be appreciated for the perfect human you are – find an organization that focuses on your strengths.

An assisted living arrangement should support your decisions. A full and satisfying life can only be defined by you. If that results in irregularities and imperfections, find an organization that will work through that. After all, isn’t that how you Live Your Life!