Tag Archives: helicopter


EPSON MFP imageA few years ago I vacationed with two young men who joked that they were going to create a website – MyLifeIsCoolerThanYours.com! Yup – they were indeed cool. In their late twenties, living in California, with jobs in the movie business, surfing each morning and (at that time I’m writing about) on a Canada ski vacation! As we laughed and joked about what MyLifeIsCoolerThanYours.com would look like, it made perfect sense to me. Not because of their coolness. But here I was, in my late 50’s, enjoying Canada on a brilliant sunny day, dropped off by a helicopter on the top of a snow-powdered glacier to ski down – with my husband, our neighbor, his son and his son’s friend (cool guys mentioned above). Oh, they might be cool, but I’m COOLER!

And that’s my point! We should all feel we are living the “cool” life and entitled to post on MyLifeIsCoolerThanYours.com. “Cool” will look different to each and every one of us. A website that invites people to share how cool they think they are is an awesome idea! Comparing yourself to someone else is not the point. It is about your own coolness.

Live Your Life! Not someone else’s.

How cool are you? Perhaps you take parenting seriously and are the most awesome mother/father. Or, have you caught the biggest, greatest fish? Maybe you create awesome desserts that people will pay money for. Are you hip? Possibly you are wittier than most. Or is it your good looks that attract us to you? Is your car, bike, spouse, house to die for?! You’ve travelled to exotic places. Do you play baseball, curl, bowl or hunt?

Are you getting the idea? If you can’t post how cool your life is – get with it! What is it you think is cool? And what prevents you from doing cool things? Leading the cool life is up to you – only you can create and Live Your Life!

Get this party started and let me know: What is cool about you?!